home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 'Author: gogogadgetscott
- 'Published: 12-30-2005 21:41
- Const module_name = "Align"
- Const module_ver = "2.00"
- Sub AlignCol
- Dim Columns(100)
- '// Get delimiter
- delimiter = InputBox("Enter delimiter.", module_name, ",")
- If delimiter = "" Then Exit Sub
- '// Get working text
- text = handleSelText("")
- '// Determine end-of-line
- EOL = ""
- If InStr(text, Chr(13)) Then
- EOL = EOL & Chr(13)
- End If
- If InStr(text, Chr(10)) Then
- EOL = EOL & Chr(10)
- End If
- '// Get lines
- lines = Split(text, EOL)
- '// Make delimiter regexp safe
- Set regReplace = New RegExp
- With regReplace
- .Global = True
- .IgnoreCase = True
- .Pattern = "([\$|\(|\)|\*|\+|\.|\[|\]|\?|\\|\^|\{|\}|\|])"
- End With
- safeDelimiter = regReplace.Replace(delimiter, "\$1")
- '// Setup regexp object
- Set regSearch = New RegExp
- With regSearch
- .Global = True
- .IgnoreCase = True
- .Pattern = "([^" & safeDelimiter & "]*)(\s*)" & safeDelimiter
- End With
- '// Get all column's max width
- For Each line in lines
- Set Matches = regSearch.Execute(line)
- '// Initialize column index
- Column = 0
- For Each Match in Matches
- length = len(Match.SubMatches(0))
- If length > Columns(Column) Then
- Columns(Column) = length
- End If
- Column = Column + 1
- Next
- Next
- '// Initialize line index
- i = -1
- '// Added spacing
- For Each line in lines
- Column = 0
- newLine = ""
- i = i + 1
- Set Matches = regSearch.Execute(line)
- '// Sum matches and remove from orignal line
- '// Match should catch everything before delimiter
- foundText = ""
- For Each Match in Matches
- foundText = foundText & Match.SubMatches(0) & Match.SubMatches(1) & delimiter
- Next
- extraText = Replace(line, foundText, "")
- For Each Match in Matches
- Spaces = Columns(Column) - Len(Match.SubMatches(0))
- newLine = newLine & Match.SubMatches(0) & String(Spaces, " ") & delimiter
- Column = Column + 1
- Next
- If newLine <> "" Then
- lines(i) = newLine & extraText
- End If
- Next
- '// Replace text
- text = Join(lines, EOL)
- handleSelText text
- End Sub
- '// @param string Text to replace selected text
- Private Function handleSelText(text)
- On Error Resume Next
- Set editor = newEditor()
- editor.assignActiveEditor
- If text = "" Then
- '// Get selected text
- handleSelText = editor.selText
- If handleSelText = "" Then
- '// No text was select. Get all text and select it.
- handleSelText = editor.Text
- editor.command "ecSelectAll"
- End If
- Else
- '// Set selected text
- editor.selText text
- End If
- End Function
- Sub Init
- addMenuItem "Align columns", "Format code", "AlignCol"
- End Sub